To download a PDF detailing this capability, click the following link: Fathom 4 Capability – Tactical Vehicles
We evaluate the client’s system requirements and design the integration with the full suite in mind from a ‘systems of systems’ perspective. We have experience with numerous platforms and systems integrated for all major services. Many designs encompass the same platform and C4ISR components but require very different configurations to support diverse combat or support missions. Fathom 4’s culture of flexibility ensures the suite fits all the warfighters’ needs, no matter how unique or complex.
Ergonomics & Human Factors Engineering
F4 understands how the various services employ the C4I suite and how to place components in the most efficient and safe locations. Our basic design considerations take into account view obstruction, safe distances during shock and vibe event, optimal placement of user interfaces, comfort and egress.
Antenna Optimization
Fathom 4 has extensive experience in placing multiple antennas in close proximity on the structure of the platform. Because antennas are both transmitters and receivers, we strive to understand the nuances of the antennas with respect to both aspects at various frequencies. This experience-based locational optimization reduces cosite and interoperability issues as well as unnecessary testing loops.
Power & EMI Design
In the current state of C4ISR technology and the changing platforms within DoD, many platform OEMs and C4ISR OEMs must build a very generic power configuration. Most often, this build does not fit for the whole platform C4ISR suite from an efficient, reliable and safe distribution aspect.
Fathom 4 designs and implements a power distribution configuration and employs the proper circuit protecting to ensure both the equipment and the personnel are protected. This entails designing the power distribution unit / enclosure from scratch, adding circuit breakers or in-line protection where needed.
Field Maintenance Philosophy
Fathom 4 understands the warfighter’s perspective regarding the difficulty and importance of conducting field repairs in stressful situations. This understanding originates in the leadership of Fathom 4: the co-founder was an infantry-enlisted Marine before earning an engineering degree. We strive to look at the whole suite from the eyes of a 19-year-old enlisted serviceman/woman to ensure it can withstand the environment and can be repaired in the field as quickly and easily as possible if a component is compromised.
Custom Mounting Provisions
The team also has experience with other custom provisions such as AC power inverters with 110V outlets, M-ATV spare tire swing, EOD cages, tool / storage boxes, spare air, egress lighting and markings, medical equipment, etc.
Fathom 4 can design, certify through FEA, and manage the fabrication of custom metalwork in order to safely and reliably mount any components required to complete the full C4ISR suite.

Custom Cabling
Standardized cable length typically provided with C4ISR kits frequently limits integration solutions. Fathom 4’s in house cable design and fabrication experience allows custom solutions to difficult, real world warfighter operational requirements.

Platform Experience
The Fathom 4 team has personnel with over 31,000 vehicles’ worth of C4ISR systems engineering and integration experience with platforms such as MRAP, M-ATV, HMMWV, LVSR, MMPV, MTVR, and various shelters.
C4ISR Systems Experience
The Fathom 4 team has personnel with experience performing the systems engineering design and integration of over 35 different C4ISR systems for tactical vehicles with respect to LOS Radio Communications, Satellite Communications (SATCOM) On-the-Move, Remote Counter-IED Electronic Warfare, Battlespace Awareness, Vehicle Intercommunications, and Tactical Networking components.